"This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.” ― Rumi

With this online course I invite you to take a delightful, self-discovery journey to activate your own soul compass! On this mini online retreat you will unlock the doors to your intuitive wisdom and the magic of your soul's essence through a unique use of color and images. You don't need any artistic training or to feel particularly "spiritual“ to experience the joy and wonder of this journey. Just trust the process, and allow your intuition to point you in the direction of joy. Expect magic, and a few revelations.

Instant & Forever Online Access

  • PRICE: $65

What To Expect

  • In this course you will explore 5 themes (your soul essence, your current path, your special gift, your true calling and a message from your Higher Self) through intuitive collage, paint, journaling and a guided meditation to create and activate your own "Inner Compass“.

  • I provide you with step-by-step instructions to create a mixed-media collage using a special spread, provide you with journaling prompts, and introduce you to the SoulCollage® questioning method. With these keys you will unlock the guidance being revealed through your art work. 

  • Bonus

    The art of creating sacred space for Soul Work - from my heart to yours.

Highlights of the Course

  • Connect to your intuition through multiple mediums, incl. a guided meditation

  • Discover the technique of how to let your subconscious mind speak through images

  • Create a gorgeous mixed-media collage that is an expression of your soul’s essence

  • Unlock the 5 messages from your soul to reveal the next steps on your path

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Welcome from Heather

    • Facebook Group - Join our community

  • 2

    Course Materials

    • Supplies

    • A few words about materials and supplies

  • 3

    Setting the Stage

    • Creating a Sacred Space for Soulwork

    • The 5 Symbols and how to use the Compass Diagram

    • Download the 5 Symbols Diagram

  • 4

    Paint & Paper - the background

    • The background: Let's play with paint - video lesson

    • Creating a second background using paper - video lesson

  • 5

    Tuning in

    • Guided Meditation Journey to your Inner Compass

    • Reflections on your meditation experience

  • 6

    Choosing your 5 Soul Images

    • Collaging your compass - video lesson

  • 7

    Unlocking your True North

    • Activate your Soul Compass - video lesson

    • Journaling Questions for Self-Reflection

    • The SoulCollage® Method - video lesson

    • What's next...how to continue

  • 8

    Live Session Replay

    • Replay Live Session 09 August 2020

  • 9

    Before you go...

    • Congratulations from Heather!

    • Work with me & Keep in touch

    • Short feedback survey - thank you!


What Participants are saying



"I was hoping for some blessed hours of intuitive art, as I made myself a present and bought Heather‘s e-course „The 5 Symbols Compass“. Well, not only had I those wonderful hours full of creative work and self-expression, but real magic happened, as I eventually unlocked the messages of my inner compass! As I was doing my journaling, all images that I chose in magazines made sense and were speaking directly to my soul. All of them opened their special meaning to me, so that I was able to get some new direction in my life situation right now. My personal inner compass revealed me a way of how to follow my true north! I even found a new spiritual companion – a bee 🐝 I loved everything about Heather‘s course – one feels, that she put her heart and soul into it. You can do the course at a slow pace, really enjoying every part of it. Heather tells us how to put up the stage to create a cosy working atmosphere. We learn how to create various backgrounds for our collage, how to choose images and put them all together. The diamonds of the course are Heather‘s magical meditation and journaling questions, which helped me to receive a very special message from my inner compass. THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDER!" ✨ 🙏 ❤️

A transformational Experience


"From the first class video, I knew this would be a transformational experience and I was right! Heather’s calming tone and encouraging tips were all I needed to set forth on the journey of discovery that my compass is providing. Each element of this class works together for your outcome: video instruction, a powerful meditation, and the added creative process that Soul Collage provides through questioning and journaling your innermost thoughts. This was a great way to launch life after COVID 19 and a process I will repeat at key points of the year: in January and for my birthday especially. Thanks for this class Heather! It was a gem and so are you!"

I highly recommend this course


"From the first time I spoke with Heather, I knew she would be an amazing teacher. Her calm and kind presence allow her to connect with anyone and guide them. I enjoyed this course so much. Each step builds upon the other revealing so many insights into yourself. This course is a great introduction into soul collage, collaging in general, and journaling. You don’t need to call yourself an artist to take this course and no matter what your background is you will find benefits and feel welcome! I highly recommend this course!"

I was so happy with the process and the outcome – this compass will be a guide for a long time and will always remind me of my resources


"I have been following Heather’s work for over a year now and am proud owner of her oracle deck. I was always amazed by her beautiful collages and backgrounds. Turns out she can teach anyone how to create beautiful collages! The course is perfectly balanced with (perfectly edited) videos, reading and writing exercises. I was so happy with the process and the outcome – this compass will be a guide for a long time and will always remind me of my resources.I especially enjoyed the live sessions and the generosity with which Heather invited everybody in. Sharing our compasses and experiences in a secure space was liberating, very insightful and still fun. The icing on the cake is the very affordable price. I highly recommend the course!

It's like a magic carpet ride...landing in a field of wisdom


"Heather is a natural guide. Her warm words and kind voice gently stir your intuitive intentions. The 5 Symbols Compass Course is well designed, easy to follow and accessible to all. No prior experience is necessary, just a willingness to enjoy the journey. Heather welcomes you to her lair of creativity with a soulful generosity. It’s like taking a magic carpet ride high above any limitations and landing in a field of wisdom."

Heather is a natural in creating a safe space for introspection, self-discovery, and sharing.


"I first became aware of Heather when I purchased her oracle deck and was instantly mesmerized by her beautiful deck. I’m in a transitional phase in my life and I decided to gift myself this course. This course was comforting and confronting at the same time. Heather is a natural in creating a safe space for introspection, self-discovery, and sharing. No artistic ability necessary! You just need the willingness to head towards “the road less traveled”. Instead of a facial, treat yourself to this course instead. This is true self-care!"

With this course I discovered the magical world of intuitive art


"This course strangely came to me at the right time! So I believe it’s not a coincidence ! I really enjoyed this course, it was so meaningful and powerful! I created my “5 symbol compass” as a way to explore my soul, and it worked! I discovered a direction; I have a lot of work to do… but now it’s very clear !! My background is psychology and I’m a paper crafter creator; my approach to creativity is more like a scientist who experiments (I like to discover formulas that are easy to replicate) but with this course I discovered the magic world of intuitive art 🙌🏻 Highly recommend!! Thank you Heather! I hope to see more from you!"